Seeking Serenity

"Seeking Serenity" is a multimedia project that intimately documents the lives of individuals in recovery from addiction. Through a combination of striking photographs and poignant audio recordings, the project provides a raw and honest portrayal of the experiences, challenges, and triumphs on the path to getting and staying clean. As someone with multiple years in recovery, I owe my journey to the people and places featured in this project. It is a love letter to my community, reflecting my personal journey and the profound impact of those who have supported me along the way. By capturing the moments of struggle, resilience, and growth, "Seeking Serenity" aims to shed light on the complexities of addiction recovery and inspire empathy, understanding, and support for those undergoing similar experiences.


Sharing stories in recovery is crucial for fostering a sense of connection and validation. Personal narratives empower individuals by allowing them to take control of their stories, while also inspiring and guiding others facing similar challenges. Through this experience, a supportive community is formed, encouraging the growth and progress of each individual.

Listening to the provided audio clips offers an opportunity to directly engage with the powerful narratives of individuals in recovery. By lending an ear to these experiences, you not only gain valuable perspectives but also contribute to a culture that embraces connection and compassion.

Dedication and Special Thanks

This project is dedicated to The Helping Up Mission, affectionately known as the HUM. The Helping Up Mission offers comprehensive faith-based recovery services for men and women battling addiction, poverty, and homelessness in Baltimore. Their unwavering support has been instrumental in bringing this project to life, and I am incredibly fortunate to have partnered with such an extraordinary organization.

The love and dedication of The Helping Up Mission shines through in every staff member, volunteer, and client. Their commitment to saving and transforming lives is truly remarkable. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have found a home away from home in their midst. Thank you, Helping Up Mission, for your invaluable contribution to this project and for your tireless efforts to make a difference in the lives of so many.

A special thanks goes out to my partners within the mission: Pamela Wilkerson, Senior Director for The Center for Women & Children; Michael Cosgrove, Program Coordinator for the Men's Helping Up Mission; and Deborah West, Project Ambassador for The Center for Women & Children.

Lastly, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to every single participant who courageously shared their experience, strength, and hope with me. I know your stories will help change so many lives for the better because they have already changed mine. It is an honor to call you my friends. Thank you for helping spread the word of recovery to those who need it most.